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Just like any other type of exercise, swimming helps increase the endurance and strength of your muscles at the same time. Depending on how slow or fast you swim, you can have a good cardiovascular work-out or slowly build your muscle strength and endurance. All the muscles in your body become engaged each time you swim. You should be aware that each resistance your body receives in the swimming pool during a swimming session increases your muscle strength and endurance resulting in a fit and lean body. This is true whether you are swimming sprints or moderately swimming several laps.


According to fitness experts, swimming alone is not enough to boost the muscular endurance and strength of the entire body. This is due to the fact that the muscles from the lower part of the body is not used too much unlike the muscles of the upper body. In addition, since swimming is a low-impact exercise it is not a great exercise for maintaining bone density but it is great as a rehabilitation exercise.


Fitness experts suggest that individuals who are interested in increasing their muscular strength should do land-based strength and weight training exercises, namely tricep kick backs, wide arm press-up, bench press, shoulder press, reverse fly, one-arm row, breast stroke, normal fly, lateral raise, biceps curl, lateral raise, close arm press-ups, and tricep dips. One-leg squat, bent leg raises, moving squats, side-leg raise, toe touch opposite hand, pulsing abductors, deep squats, wall squat, standing rear squat, pulsing hip extension, static adductors, and front raised lunge are the other techniques.


Keep in mind that you do have to a do warm-up routines before you begin swimming or exercising. Perform the land-based exercise routines at least twice a week. Individuals, usually beginners, who perform these exercise routines would surely feel sore the next day. Allow your body to recover by taking a day off or two days off from the exercise regimen if needed.


Always make sure that the pool has been treated using pool chemicals and that the appropriate treatment time has elapsed before you begin your swimming routine. Private and public swimming pools do make use of swimming pool chemicals to help preserve the pool in its original state and to keep the water clean and hygienic. There are, of course, pool filtration systems that help do the job but chlorine tablets are the main reasons why a pool remains clean and safe to swim in.

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