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It should not be a task entertaining a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Don’t feel stressed when you are expecting a guest, this is supposed to be fun. There are many ways you can spend time together comfortably even if distance kept you apart for quite long. Make sure you spend some quality time with them, entertain your guests. Time is more important in building friendships than fortune. Take pictures and wander around, and spend some time for play paintball is one great game to bring back the old times. Paintball can be enjoyed regardless of the age, for as long as they have no special physical limitations. A fun-filled hour or two playing with friends you have not seen in a while. Paintball will ease awkward moments that may sometimes surface. It can even bring back some childhood memories that you can chat about, in the car, on your way to your next stop. Share the same laughter you had back then. Imagine how a simple game like paintball makes things possible. Well, if there is a limitation other activities can be done also, depending on your shared interests.


As they leave, they would bring memories of the same laughter, almost forgotten, but once again shared. You may not realize it, but it all adds up to our memory of happy thoughts. Years after, they might lose touch with you again but the time you spent with them remains precious and unforgotten. These memories are best kept with the most special persons in your life. There’s no enough monetary value a certain memory with an old friend. These are free for you to reminisce and think about where ever you decide to go. It is the most priceless possession anybody could ever possibly have. Time spent and efforts are important in rebuilding friendships, the shared stories, and maybe that time you played paintball, and got yourselves all messed up squealing at each other. This is the best part of friendship, laughing with our own foolishness with them.


Awkward moments that have arised will be covered up by the best times you had. What really matters is how comfortable you made them feel and how much time you have given for them. It is always nice to remember who your true friends are. It is really true that when we got old, present memories are easily forgotten. Past memories are stored within our hearts and mind. It is worth it to make happy memories with those who have been around for you. There are instances in our life that we are having difficulty looking for time to be spent with friends or our family members. We value our work more that we even neglect our loved ones. This is a common dilemma now a days. We hardly have time to balance work from leisure. However when we got older, we will be able to realize it. Those memories with our paper works and office desk are not that sweet for reminiscing. It is all up to ourselves to decide our own personal decisions in life. Remember we can only live once.



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