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There was a squeal, and then she was out of the game. All-stained with paint, already washed with mud, with the face gear blurred with moist, the girl stood up, tears rolling down her cheeks blurting out ‘it will never be like before’. She then went out of the paintball field. It seems like she has given up. The following week that I went paintballing again, I saw the same girl. Weekend after another, the same girl. In my mind, what could she be doing here when she sounded giving up week by week after the first incident? She keeps coming back even after giving up over and over. Until I learned about her story that I realized it is not really what I thought it was.

The girl used to be the best player among the players her age, but she was badly injured during one of her games. And never get the chance to play again until the time I saw her for the first time in the paintball field. I realized how hard it was for her the first time she set foot to play paintball again. I saw her that time but I thought it was just another girly reaction but it was not. It is difficult to be in her situation that she has now limitations, at what she does best once upon a time. She’s doing her utmost to accept her condition and survive the crisis. She wanted it so much that giving up is not an option. Complaining is her way to depressurize herself. After all, she is going through so much for her age. She has matured enough unlike any of us. She never surrendered, she kept on trying and week after week she is doing better and better each time. She may not notice that we look at her with admiration. And we believe in her, one day she will again be the best player among the others her age and maybe even more because by just looking at how she plays today, she has really gone a long way. Without knowing her story, you can’t tell that she has a disability. She has really pulled herself together to be the girl we all admire today. Never surrender.

Maybe she’s given up several times, she sounded like it anyway. And it’s good to relate to what she has to deal with. Hadn’t I returned, I wouldn’t have known of her story – a story that is so inspirational. Since it used to be her favorite activity she keeps coming back to play paintball. She has a great spirit and she doesn’t give up. Don’t give up, keep on trying until you overcome your obstacles. Wanting something so much is good if it makes you a better person, and it becomes a plus when you are being an inspiration to other people in that way you do not only transform your life but also of others lives.


Layne regularly writes for ProlificPaintball.com, they carry such paintball equipment as a Paintball Gun and the Tippmann A-5, as well as many other items from a variety of 1arg3 manufacturers.

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