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So, you’re looking at parachuting in Melbourne. Especially if you haven’t been before, you’ll want to know more about the sport. Probably one of the first considerations you have is regarding safety. Well, rest assured, that any of the numerous schools in the area are unlikely to willingly let you fall to your doom by filling your ‘chute with cutlery or something equally comedic.

There are a number of checks you may wish to make regarding the safety of any given centre for parachuting in Melbourne, and these are prudent, and definitely worth making. If nothing else, this gives you a little more peace of mind, and allows you to enjoy your jump a little more than you might otherwise.

Really, the only checks you need to make before you start phoning or emailing around are to the parachuting safety body you most respect. This could include the Parachute Federation Association, or the Civil Aviation Authority. You will be able to get a better idea of the seriousness with which any given centre shows to safety.

The second real concern is how many people are going to be jumping. This has a number of implications. The first being that obviously, if you’re parachuting in Melbourne, you’re going to need a place that owns a plane in Melbourne. This may seem silly to think, but you’d be surprised how many are lacking on the plane front. You will then have to identify exactly how many will fit in that plane safely. You may all want to jump together, or staggered, so that you can make those after you a little more scared. Whatever you decide, you need to know how big the plane is that you will be jumping from.

Other considerations should include on-site facilities. Are there showers, bars, social areas and dorms? If they have all these things, you may want to make a weekend of it. If you don’t you won’t even have the choice, should you wish to later on in proceedings. If you’re parachuting in Melbourne, you’ll need to take into account this kind of social aspect. Even if you are jumping alone.

Similarly, you may need to think about how high you will be jumping from, and exactly what experience you will be getting. Will you be jumping alone, or in tandem? Will you be jumping through clouds or just the atmosphere?

If you plan your parachuting in Melbourne a little more, you will no doubt get more out of it. After all it is a once in a lifetime experience for most.

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