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Colin Cowherd, the ultimate radio jock, took a few minutes out of his radio show to rail on the fact that nerds got two-plus hours of ESPN2 coverage yesterday: A “League Of Legends” tournament…

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25 thoughts on “Colin Cowherd rips ESPN’s coverage of e-sports

  1. ThatsAdmirable

    He mad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. Sholar Ralohs

    I love watching talented guys throw a ball around, move chess pieces or
    play video games competitively. Competition is universal. He needs to
    stop showing his ignorance else be forgotten when the next generation’s
    interests eclipse him into extinction.

    -non ignorant old man.

  3. Geek Bomb

    ESPN do us all a favor and make him report on the next match.

    We all need to buy some bait. 

  4. So5loW

    Thats actually extremely embarrassing.Havent seen so much ignorance in one
    place in a while…Who knows what his favorite bait is?

  5. Zeoderos

    How is he not fired? These are pretty offensive comments…Almost on the
    level of sexism. (nerdism? discrimination of nerds) seriously “Somebody
    lock the basement door at mom’s house and don’t let them out.” “I’ll tell
    you what that was the equivalent of, there…. of me putting a gun in my
    mouth and having to listen to that.”

    Good thing is when eSports takes off, he won’t have a job lmao. people
    10-15 years younger will take it and do his job 100000000x better.

  6. JoeAXE Cleave

    Yeeeeesss, let the ignorance flooow through you.

  7. Fisho D

    Pathetic piece of shit. If only the sports you love to cast were half as
    challenging and dynamic as the games mentioned. You poorly insulting, sad,
    sad fuck. I genuinely hope you’ll have to cast it and then you’ll swallow
    your pride and do cast it just to be pissed.

  8. Ashe | Lady Insanity

    Colin, please go to a gaming industry event like E3 or PAX Prime. Take a
    sincere look at the people you’re labeling as kids living in their mother’s

    Gamers can be anyone. Kids. Teenagers. Adults. Mothers. Fathers. Some serve
    this country overseas in the military, while others like Mila Kunis and
    Matthew Perry are celebrities. Video games are internationally enjoyed by

    At this point, you’re insulting everyday citizens. It’s nothing to be proud

    (Side note: I’m sure you’re already aware, but “League of Legends” was made
    by Riot. Heroes of the Dorm? Or rather, the actual game “Heroes of the
    Storm”? Blizzard. LoL had nothing to do with Heroes of the Dorm. Just FYI.)

  9. Alfrebaut

    Wait, I don’t understand. Why did he call it a “League of Legends”
    tournament when it’s clearly Heroes of the Storm?

  10. Bde15

    I know ESPN stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network but,
    lets be honest here Video games should not be on this channel (Spike and if
    G4 was still a thing then yeah) but ESPN, NO! Poker should also not be on
    ESPN. Things that take physical activity should be on ESPN. Football,
    Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Etc… those things should be on ESPN. Don’t
    get me wrong, I like Video Games but this shit is getting out of hand. Keep
    it to the Twitch Community till it gets more of an American following.
    Korean TV can have this because it is big there. When Video games get more
    followers than Soccer, Football, Basketball, and Baseball, Call me. You
    won’t be able to reach me because I will probably be dead. I am just happy
    they didn’t show highlights on sports center. Video Games should stick to
    the Internet where they belong and Sports should be Nationally Televised
    like they should be.

  11. Kaizy

    They won’t ask him to cover any video games because he can’t. He doesn’t
    know shit about them, nor does he have the mental awareness to learn. Why
    did he even bring this up?

  12. Colin Kautz

    This is making us Colins look bad!

  13. RippinHoes

    They show chess and poker, this dude needs to stfu,

  14. Awall vs Heroes of the Storm

    Let the ignorance FLOW through you. I can feel your hatred and anger.
    Strike me down and your journey to the dark side will be COMPLETE!

  15. A Black Templar

    hes correct that e-sports are a joke, but if poker has a place on espn2,
    then arguably video games should as well.

  16. MirrorXIV

    Don’t worry Colin, ESPN would never force a 50 year old ignorant cunt to
    cover esports. They’d instead find someone who knows what the fuck he’s
    talking about.

  17. famus1469

    Oh shut the fuck up and do your fuckin job, or quit and be a little bitch
    about. They’re just doing what they love and perusing what they want to do
    in life, who are you to judge them you ignorant piece of withering shit

  18. PoopSteve420

    video games is not sportz!!!!!!

  19. armst012

    Being someone who worked in sports radio for several years and was also an
    Esports fan. Every time I tried to talk about it with my co-workers, and I
    wasn’t forcing it on them, they were curious about something I had spoken
    about or shown someone, they looked at me like I was crazy, and I told them
    maybe 5 years ago, just wait ” These commentators are young guys who are
    passionate and are better than many TV pbp announcers, the games are fun to
    watch when you understand it. This esports thing is only going to grow” and
    the numbers showed it.

    This is competitive gaming, no this is not about physical play it is such a
    mental game it is insane. Of course Cowherd is acting like people did in
    the ’50s when they saw Elvis shake his hips for first time on TV or when
    Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. He doesn’t get it because he
    doesn’t understand it.

    Gamers aren’t you stereotypical people who hang in their basement and do
    this 24/7. Its older mom and pop who play video poker or games on their
    phone to grandpa who play shuffleboard or card games etc at the retirement
    home. It’s about fun and competition. But I guess the only sports that
    should matter involves a relief pitcher who throws 5 pitches one game,
    calls it a day and makes almost a million a year for the equivalent of
    about 3 hours of total playing time, or the NBA player who sits on the
    bench all year and makes 2 million.

    There is a growing fanbase for esports that gets bigger everyday and I
    guarantee you they are more intelligent about the respective sports they
    watch over many NFL, MLB, NBA, or NHL fans.

  20. xD1x

    This is ignorance at it’s finest. At least have all the information
    correct before making an argument. He seems more emotional than logical,
    and because that I don’t think he’ll win anyone over unless they’re blind
    impressionable sheep.

  21. MEEG0L

    Watch a bunch of meatheads run around with an eggball. Or twink, beta
    Asians and neckbeards play league Of Faggots…not sure what do

  22. Umbra

    Fuck off and sell bait then you dinosaur.

  23. KiraMustDie26

    Something tells me he was that asshole jock back in high school that would
    give nerds wedgies and shove them in lockers.

  24. Mamaspeeder

    I mean if he doesn’t want to cover them whatever, doing it live just makes
    him look insecure or was bullied by a gamer at some point or some shit. I
    don’t really care about this anyway.

  25. TheBratscin

    Cowherd: This is bullshit my GAME IS WAY BETTER THAN YOUR GAME… IM A
    GROWN ASS MAN. 1/10 Needs more Boys playing with balls.

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