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Tag: worldcupnews

Will the 2010 World Cup unite South Africa?

Mitch Vargas

Football is historically popular with black South Africans, with whites preferring cricket and rugby. Back in 1995 when South Africa won the Rugby Union World Cup on home soil, the nation was briefly united in victory. Fifteen years on, can the football World Cup achieve something more lasting? Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull reports on the […]

South Africa parties before World Cup kickoff

Mitch Vargas

Football fans in South Africa revelled in a long night of celebrations as the final hours ticked down before the kickoff of the World Cup 2010. The opening ceremony at Soccer City will mark the first time the tournament is held on the African continent. Al Jazeera’s Haru Mutasa reports. (June 11, 2010) Whose Next? […]