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Mitch Vargas

It wouldn’t let me run back through the whole play, but there was one out, Damon was on third, and I had Jeter caught in between second and third. The most I could get was when I turned Jeter back towards third, and he did some kind of wierd-ass belly flop right in the middle […]

Gandalf Goes to the World Cup

Mitch Vargas

The fellowship of the vuvuzela! Middle Earth is preparing for the World Cup. The song is the brilliant “Taking the hobbits to Isengard” by Erwin Beekveld. You can download it here: www.beekveld.com Vuvuzela time. Whose Next? Byte Size Biology » Science as Middle-Earth 4th of July at the Erwin Hotel: High | Yo! Venice! Making […]