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Tag: parody

Welcome To The Kobe System

Mitch Vargas

Where do you go from the top? You go to a super market. The #KobeSystem: Success for the Retarded is DanJoeShow’s winning, results-oriented philosophy or whatever the hell that means on how to adapt to succeed. You’re Welcome PSYCH!! Please Note That this is a parody!!! The Kobe System Is Nike’s commercial. We Don’t Own […]

The Kobe System (SPOOF)

Mitch Vargas

Make sure you’ve seen the actual Kobe System videos before you watch this one lol This is what happens when the Kobe System gets taken to the next level lol ENJOY AND SHARE!! SUBSCRIBE COMMENT LIKE FAVORITE SHAREEEEE SHAREEEEEE SHAREEEEEEEEEE!! Remember this is a spoof we are just havin some fun! Enjoy!

MLB On FOX Parody

Mitch Vargas

Alexander Garcia, Pablo Iglesias, Alberto Merlin and Arleny Diaz parody the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox on FOX. Whose Next? Ten great gifts for Boston Red Sox fans (Associated Content) | Boston Red Sox Baseball Blog Carl Crawford’s Impact Against the Boston Red Sox | Fire Brand of the American League Boston Red Sox in […]