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Tag: NBA

NIKE: Welcome to the #KobeSystem

Mitch Vargas

要從高峰挑戰更高境界,就要學習KobeSystem哲學!從適者制勝到超越成功呢啲概念都要一一應用!歡迎你哋加入KobeSystem,你即將會有更深了解!#KobeSystem www.facebook.com

Tim Tebow, LeBron James, and Dwight Howard

Mitch Vargas

Dwight Howard: @TimTebow keep up the good work. Despite all the haters u work hard u got heart and u got Jesus. U can’t lose. Tim Tebow: @DwightHoward lol appreciate the love Superman! Tim Tebow: @DwightHoward thank you brother, will do! Jesus is above all else! Tim Tebow: And btw @DwightHoward if the lockout continues, […]