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Tag: Miami

Tim Tebow, LeBron James, and Dwight Howard

Mitch Vargas

Dwight Howard: @TimTebow keep up the good work. Despite all the haters u work hard u got heart and u got Jesus. U can’t lose. Tim Tebow: @DwightHoward lol appreciate the love Superman! Tim Tebow: @DwightHoward thank you brother, will do! Jesus is above all else! Tim Tebow: And btw @DwightHoward if the lockout continues, […]


Mitch Vargas

Tim Tebow is Dead!!! His death was due to a heart attack when he realized he was playing the Pittsburgh Steelers in the first round of the playoffs. I’m obviously just kidding Tim Tebow Quarterback of the Denver Broncos is not dead. But I talk about how I think James Harrison, Lamarr Woodley, and the […]