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Tag: Chicago

The Kobe System (SPOOF)

Mitch Vargas

Make sure you’ve seen the actual Kobe System videos before you watch this one lol This is what happens when the Kobe System gets taken to the next level lol ENJOY AND SHARE!! SUBSCRIBE COMMENT LIKE FAVORITE SHAREEEEE SHAREEEEEE SHAREEEEEEEEEE!! Remember this is a spoof we are just havin some fun! Enjoy!

Orton v. Tebow – Broncos 2011 Preview (C2K)

Mitch Vargas

The quarterback competition is fierce in Denver. Who is the safer bet in the future? Were the Broncos close to trading Kyle Orton to Miami? Rick Strom talks with Dave Krieger of the Denver Post. TYT sports on Facebook – www.facebook.com Follow Rick on Twitter – www.twitter.com