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Tag: bank

HotForWords – Football – Soccer

Mitch Vargas

www.hotforwords.com to score a goal. Soccer requested by alleTiger, sportcrazy13, aLx, tohellwithit2745, tricovictus, jyangchi, arthur07, nvalline, prospero811, djsalbro, huckster, acciocoolusername, yeeeaahhbaby, renegade_69, maxedgy1, eastcoast007, 1der, micheldiego, rigo611, okay4now, plutten, capman911, laguss, annuddermale, lalorocks86 and gomezzz Ending music by: www.ronaldjenkees.com

Arenas 75 ft Shot Clock Banker

Mitch Vargas

Check out Gilbert Arenas hit this crazy 75 foot buzzer beater that hits the rim and bounces off the shot clock and in. The officials wave off the basket, because the shot clock is out of bounds. Whose Next? Blogtable: Gilbert Arenas and the Magic « NBA.com | Hang Time Blog Gilbert Arenas | Shot […]