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Tag: paul

NIKE: Welcome to the #KobeSystem

Mitch Vargas

要從高峰挑戰更高境界,就要學習KobeSystem哲學!從適者制勝到超越成功呢啲概念都要一一應用!歡迎你哋加入KobeSystem,你即將會有更深了解!#KobeSystem www.facebook.com

Association Football – Harry Enfield – Mr Cholmondley-Warner

Mitch Vargas

Mr Cholmondeley-Warner An early 20th century television presenter (played by Jon Glover) who, with his manservant Greyson (Enfield), would attempt to uphold the British Empire’s values by advising, amongst other things, that women refrain from participating in complex conversations (as this would lead to insanity) or that babies be given gin (to ensure a good […]